And then we moved to Huntsville. A beautiful little house in a neighborhood filled with kids just ready to be my friends. The next door neighbor had a plum tree and was always ready to share. We had a beautiful cocker spaniel named Betsy's who we all loved! I found new and interesting ways to keep my mother amused and busy, such as droping bubble gum into my freshly permed hair. Memories float in and out about the last half of my first grade year, but meeting my best friend is something I'll never forget. Met in the first grade and we're still in contact today. And not only were we best friends, but her older brother and my older brother were best friends too and our parents all liked each other!! Now that doesn't happen every day, but I'm glad it did!
It's hard to talk about first grade, or any other grade, without talking about my brother too. He was Jay then and J now but he's always been my brother. We've been the best of friends and the fiercest adversaries and always loved each other. We've both put our parents through our own versions of hell, but life was simple when I was in the first grade and we didn't know what real trouble was. I really do feel sorry for anyone out there who didn't have a sibling like I have. Just older enough that he could teach me things that I probably didn't need to know, but close enough to be my friend. Someone to laugh with, someone to fuss with, someone to tell me the things I don't remember, and someone to commiserate with the things I do remember!
I'm glad I'm not there, 7 years old, anymore, but it was great, and I wouldn't change a thing!