So let's be honest here. Most of middle school/junior high is all a big blur. I can't differentiate memories very well for those three years. But there are a few things that stick out as being very 6th grade.
I mentioned last week that I was starting to get in the habit of not doing homework. 6th grade didn't cure this. In fact, I bet it made it a little worse.
Oh yeah, I was so challenging authority. And I got away with it a lot. I still made decent grades, A's, B's, the occasional C.
But there was that one subject. The subject I got busted in. Spelling.
Ms. Aadams.
The brand new happy perky idealistic cheerleader coach spelling teacher.
My worst nightmare. (I wasn't a fan of the cheerleader type.)
Well, spelling was not my favorite subject and I decided to not put forth any effort. Especially when it came to homework.
I'm not sure exactly how it came to this, but I had to get something signed by my parents due to my lack of homework doing. Of course I didn't want them to know that I was slacking so I did the only logical thing.
I forged my mother's signature.
In retrospect, very very stupid move, but I thought I was brilliant at the time.
So I turned in this forged paper and thought I was a big dog.
Until the next day.
She called me to her desk and told me she knew that my mother hadn't signed the paper.
I was shocked!! How did she know??? (Duh, the 6th grade handwriting!)

But I still giggle about it all.
Sure as heck didn't learn any lesson about homework!
But I never, never signed my mother's name again!!