4th grade.
Can I really remember back to the 4th grade?
Challenger Elementary School. Mrs Rice- the first teacher immune to my charms. In fact, I think she really disliked me. Couldn't have been me! I was a delightful, sarcastic, questioning, never quiet, always moving little kid! Who wouldn't want that? And she was a teacher who maybe should have never been given a job as a teacher in the first place. I guess that's harsh, but to a kid, especially this kid, teacher's are supposed to know everything and love students.
(Not really, but this is the emotion most remebered.)
You might be reading the writing of one of the world's worst spellers (thank goodness for spell check) and spelling was really hard in the 4th grade. And during spelling tests I moved my lips, it helped me see the words better. And she accused me of trying to cheat- like the C speller was giving answers to the A spellers!
And then maybe I was a little bit of trouble. Note passing, lots of note passing. Talking, all the time. Knowing when she didn't know an answer and asking questions anyway. Possibly being disrespectful, but never to her face.
And maybe I helped my mother be a thorn in her side,too. I have this lingering memory of coming home with a less than stellar test, and while I'll admit now that maybe I should've studied more, I answered the questions that were asked. Her lack of grammatical correctness lead to my answers being wrong because I answered what she asked, not what she intended. And my mother might have corrected the teacher's grammar with a red pen and sent it back to the teacher and a few people higher up in the food chain.

And there was probably lots more, but that's all I remember today.
So that's the end of 4th grade!
Too funny! I love that you got the teacher in trouble :)
ReplyDeleteI think I became my mother over the Alabama History Test...a force of nature. I'm so happy that you aren't in the 4th grade any more...and equally as happy that you found something good to say about it. We'll just leave it at that, okay?
ReplyDeleteLOL, don't mess with Mama Bear! It sounds like she was an awful teacher, I'm glad you have other memories from that year that are good.
ReplyDeleteI think my son had your teacher's carbon copy! That can sure make the school year tough, but so glad Mama had the insight to check and stand up for you! You kinda sounded like me when I was in 6th grade. Nice to have memories outside of school - makes it more "bearable."
ReplyDeleteyes, I was quite talkative in elementary school too. I once won the end of the year award "girl who asks the most questions." not exactly the award I was going for.
ReplyDeleteBut hey you are completely fabulous now so who's fretting?
I love that you answered "what was asked!" I formerly taught Englsh Learners - so I had to be really careful how I worded my test questions - and if they managed to read it in a grammatically correct way that was other than what I intended, I often gave extra credit for careful reading!
ReplyDeleteFor the record, one of the questions that the teacher had marked wrong was a fill-in-the-blank. The question was: The job of the ______ branch of governments is to make the laws. Annie answered: Legislative (correctly). The teacher marked it wrong. When I questioned this, she told me that the Judicial Branch of government makes the laws. Unfortunately, that is often the case, but it is not the correct answer or practice! You can see why I was just a wee bit upset. Signed, Annie's Mom