Saturday, July 3, 2010


Well, I was out of town last week and and out of touch and totally forgot about this project! But I was on a mission trip working with Habitat for Humanity so hopefully you will forgive me. And when this gets posted on Thursday, I will be at camp-I'm a counselor for adults with cognitive disabilities.

But let me start telling what you're here to read...

I'll backtrack a little to catch you up. Biggest memories from the 2nd grade- I got glasses, I broke my arm, I cemented my friendship with my best friend, and, unfortunately, I can remember wetting my pants in class because I was embarrassed to ask the teacher if I could go. We also moved the summer between 2nd and 3rd grade and I no longer went to the same school as my best friend. But it was a great house that we spent many happy, and some not so happy years in!

So now the  3rd grade. Mrs. Willhite. My first C (in spelling). Shuttle launches (I lived in rocket city and we watched ALL of the launches in school). Learning that it did matter if I was for Auburn or Alabama, but really not caring. Going to Allison Gibson's birthday party-our birthday's were the same day- and having to listen to New Kids on the Block. Wearing pink Hammer pants (with black polka dots) and thinking I was totally awesome. Old enough to ride my bike to school and being left behind by my brother.

To be honest, I lived so much in my own little bubble, Annie World, that it's hard to pin down many memories. Especially assigning them to a specific year. What I remember the most is that grade school was happy. In my mind, in my world, nothing bad ever happened then. So happy Annie in my phone booth in the sky will continue to tell it the way I remember it!


  1. You were so doggone cute in Mrs. Pang's class in the second grade. I thought you were totally awesome, too!

  2. I understand the whole pinning down memories thing. I have a hard time with that too. It is fun that we can remember some though, and to me it seems to be mostly the positive things! Good for you on your missions!

  3. I completely agree with having to figure out what memories go with what year. I have some random memories of different schools but I can't for the life of me figure out which school they go with. I'm glad that you had such a happy childhood!


Thoughts or Ideas...